Justa walking and looking and Putin talked to the people of Russia…

Beautiful day and that evening walk around the lake area was so wonderful…

TRV is perfect as always, just wish my sweetpea was here with me. I miss her…

Putin talked to the Russian people and it is starting to get real very fast in Russia…

Video may play very slow. My server sucks for this type of stuff….but it is worth saving for the future…

Russians will get a week of paid leave, with a boost to benefits for those most in need, while the wealthiest will have to pay more taxes. All among the measures announced by Vladimir Putin to deal with the effects of coronavirus. Speaking during a televised address on Wednesday, the Russian President outlined a number of policies designed to support the Russian people and the national economy amid the increasingly serious threat posed by the pandemic.. He said there was no feasible way to keep the virus out, but that an efficient, coordinated effort to preempt and mitigate the damage will help protect people from the worst outcomes. – RT

But sip a cup of coffee and try to download the video…

Putin’s coronavirus speech download link…

Got to work on Sammy the Volga and start fixing fences around the two homes. Still cold, but spring is here and is warming up…

Gonna take a walk…