Some thoughts from TRV as the world goes nuts…

What the west flouts is not real Capitalism. It is some sort of capitalist-like klepto-zombie system. But Capitalism it is not….But people with nothing, believe it is Capitalism, and they are fed up, because the system does not meet what they have been told it is about & what they expect the system to be and do…

Compared to what the situation in the so called Capitalistic West is looking like, you have to admit that Socialism/Marxism looks better and better, to the uninformed and the uninformed is the normality of most societies….that uninformed information about Capitalism is what has come to bite everyone’s asses….now the masses are looking to supplement the lies for more lies. Search for the Holy-Grail…

But then, so does a pig wearing lipstick, which gives the impression that the pig is better looking in societies around the world…

Truth is always better to be told in the first place and then you never have to try to corral all the lies that have spread and festered over the years…

Or maybe what we have lived with all these years is real Capitalism (klepto-zombie style) and you were just sold a line of lies and myths about Capitalism from the beginning?

Being honest is the first step in avoiding some of the many traps that have been set…

This, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly why support for Socialism is growing….it does not mean that one system is better than the other. It just means that people are looking for answers in a very sick world and they wants to just live their lives in peace…

The problem is that with all the lies, no one knows which way to turn. Even the ones playing the games of divide and conquer…

Why tell the world about anything Russia “did”?

Why would the NSA and GCHQ tell the world what Russia is doing?

Everyday we seem to be looking at another no facts, no truth and lots of we assume strongly that Russia tried to….do this and do that!

Why tell the media what Russia is doing? Why? If true; The NSA and GCHQ will simply see Russia stop and change its methods of data collection. That is what the NSA and GCHQ would not want. For if they know that someone is being hacked, then they are able to hack back and it is all done silently. No screaming and no whining about the fact. But it all has to be true in the first place and no government wants light to be shown upon all the “real” stealing of data being done constantly all over the world…

Are humans that gullible? Do we always respond like a bluegill finding a worm on a hook?

Why tell the world about anything Russia “did”?

No nations security service publishes methods. That tends to tell the other side about these methods. Therefore, then these methods are easily skirted around. No truth in the accusation is why they are posted as confetti for the masses…

Another Russia “did” something story…

Real spy methods get approved for publication after 40-60 years and severely redacted…

Why tell the world about anything Russia “did”?

Because, the ones accusing are using fake info to cover up their sins…