Pardon Snowden?

Why would anyone leave freedom for repression? Why would anyone leave Russia for the USA?

The remarks seemed to be a shift for President Trump, who repeatedly called Mr. Snowden a “traitor” and “spy who should be executed” in the years before his election.

Source: Trump Says He’ll Look Into a Pardon for Edward Snowden – The New York Times

I have talked about Snowden several times here on the website. I am not a fan of his and do not, as I have said about Assange also, believe that they are exactly what we are lead to believe about them…

Yet, I do know that Snowden, Assange and Manning have been messed up royally and Snowden will only mess his life up even more if he trusts the country that he tried to get information out about….information he deemed to be important enough to change his life over!

Everyday I wonder about Julian Assange, Manning and or Snowden…

But Snowden can do what he pleases and if going back to America is his dream? More power to him…

I have been in Russia since 2006 and I know Russia and the Russian people. Snowden has been treated very good and has had a very free life here in Russia. In fact, the fact he would even leave Russia is just one more thorn in his side as to his true intentions and what he is all about…

So seriously, from someone who lives in Russia and is an American, why would you destroy your life and try to go back to the demon pit that you so despise so much that you had to cause a scandal and steal data from?

Me, pardon me, but I will stay right where I am at. Thank you for the pardon, but I would not trust anything that the USA said was happening…

We will see and as always, it will be exactly the opposite of what we are being told right now!