I find that we live in interesting times…

I have no qualms about the origin of King Corona:

I have watched and studied patiently since before the beginning of this change in our lives. That is what this is, a change, in some eyes a terrible change and in some eyes a good change. I lean toward the good change myself…

Things will never go back to the “Good ole Days” and that is that….and I liked the old days very much. Maybe I am too old?

Yet, no matter how you want to see things and how you perceive what this is all about, the Western World has been slammed and in coverup mode 24/7….Some reason the instigators of this issue never dreamed that they would become the recipients of the brunt of the game playing. It really is simply; A west / east situation!

If you desire the truth? Then start looking and use an open mind. Stop the hate, closed mindset and open your eyes and mind. Search and I mean search. Use search engines other than Google. All you have to do is read between the lines, take the facts that are given by both sides and then chronologically put it all together. You will find a surprising situation, yet, it was inevitable that it had to happen…

East against the West; Oops we really goofed up…

Many things positive & pessimistic from King Corona:

It is how you look at life, not how you think others perceive your life, but how you perceive life….life is truly what you make of it. It is how you react, how you accept and how you deal with what is thrown at you. Anyone who is watching all that is happening will see that many people who have had to deal with the pits of life as they grew up and matured, are walking around and wandering what the hell happened to the other half of the world…

This again is part of that East / West, Good / Bad, You / Me, Them / Us split. It is nothing to do with King Corona….it is just how you have been raised and how you think life should be. That is where the flaw in the plan exploded outwards and attacked the source…

I was raised to not trust people, including family. People are only in it for themselves and they will turn on you in a heartbeat…

A heartbeat is not a long space of time. Yet, there are those who within that heartbeat will make a decision to slice your throat and let you bleed out as they watch and gather the fruits of your labor. They do not see that they cut your throat, they only see what they have gained by your demise. Some say an act of passion. I say an act of selfishness. – kKeeton

I watch Sveta and see her thriving in this environment. I find myself thriving in this same situation. I find as Sveta does, pressure of life has eased and society expectations are greatly removed from the equation of existence…

To me, the fact we are going to a AI and robotic styled society is a plus benefit. I find that a cashless society is most likely a good thing in the end. I find that social distancing is exactly what makes me happy…

I find much more positive than negative about what is happening. What is happening has nothing to do with King Corona….and everything to do with intergovernmental issues. Badly done and badly played by those who expounded this game, but they are not the sharpest tack in the box…. Are They? No they are not!

They are the most selfish/narcissistic of the tacks in the box for sure…

Things are changing and we will suffer as they change. King Corona is just giving you a taste of those changes. King Corona is not a king, yet he was made a king by media, politicians and ourselves for the most part as a huge king. Actually we have exploited King Corona, yet he is the type who likes to be exploited. So all is good for him…

Therefore, many of us will lose our jobs. For our jobs are redundant and expendable for the most part…

Good Example: kiosks

The automation and roboticization of consumer business, personal existence and military/governmental functions is inevitable. That McDonald’s computer order station, you know the one that makes it so you do not have to look at another human and order food? Yes, that was the start of our new world that our children and their children will be embracing. Soon you will be able to order food and pick it up and never see a human touching your food…

It is what it is….and I happen to like ordering food by a kiosk. I am not exactly a social butterfly and like very many people. Yet I also feel we either embrace what is happening and or lie down and roll over to die. Money-less societies, robotic workers, people lost in a virtual reality….you have to dig out your own nest and make it what you can. This ideology of a millennial group mindset, “You owe us everything!”, is a bad moment in the worlds existence. An intentional mindset that has exceeded what we expected to happen. We raised them and or actually tried not to raise them and so many youth are lost. Parents are responsible for the children and their morals and actions are a continuation of parental input from even before birth…

Life is very short actually and we are always on the downhill run to death…

Maybe it is what has to be?

King Corona Virus

If you contemplate the facts; I am old enough to have rolled from the 50’s to now. That encompasses 70 years of our history. I am old enough to realize that the changes have always been happening. The basic issue that I see is that it is not any single entities entirely at fault, yet we are being driven to pick sides and point fingers at everything around us. We are being overwhelmed by the Little Hitlers and Tiny Napoleons. Where it will end? Not in my lifetime…

But I do know that King Corona is a happy virus, he has been given notoriety beyond his abilities…

We are evolving for good or bad and sometimes you just have to roll the window down and enjoy the ride…