Oh Well, winter is here in TRV

Well summer and fall have come and gone:

The days of just long sleeve shirts and warm pants are ending and now in TRV the days of long underwear, two long sleeve shirts and two coats with stocking caps are here. Old Man Winter has woke and is ornery as ever…

Today, I go to the Big Village very early, gather supplies and whatnot’s. Then I will utilize literally the last few days of any form of warmth and get storm windows painted and installed. Then everything that resembles that it has the ability to be destroyed by winter? Has to be put away and gotten out of sight of Old Man Winters evil eye…

At most there is about two weeks until serious snowfall is coming and freezing every night will happen in a few days. This is now the time when all good Russians get ready for long periods of isolation. I have to plan carefully at this point and coordinate effectively to stay as long as possible in the TRV and still get out to go back to Moscow. Gets interesting at times…

The Tiny Russian Village is silent as a church mouse. It is like a switch was thrown this week and everyone made a last ditch effort to shut down their village homes and ran…

That giant Turkey looking bird in the lake is an Eagle. Looking around and wondering, “What the hell happened to all the fish?”