Not just What? (but) When Psychopaths Fear!

The fearfulness & pathology of psychopaths and their sycophantic minions is coming to the foreground and each time that happens the oligarchy think tanks work out a brain washing strategy to manipulate the minds of its basically normal people to accept another hypocrisy and abuse of the public trust by convincing them the abuse is for their own good. As with all abusers, physiological abuse comes first before the fists. – WtR

The basic level of mental sickness can be judged by what I call the Kanye West Test; Actually Kanye West is better than the other two (Trump & Biden) proven to be liars and cheats of a magnitude unacceptable to the norms of a society!

Yet that does not say much for Kanye West. He is a true “nut case”, just less of a nut case than Trump and or Biden…

Tidbit of thought: Does anyone ever stop and say, “Why are the candidates for US president always the “worst of the worst” available for being president? Why not the “cream of the crop” that is available?”

All hail the Nut Cases!

I sense that the nutty sycophants all over the world smell blood, as the hyena does to find that rotting and or fresh road kill, as it plans on running off with the dead animal…

I have decided it in part stems from the fact that most world arsed-licker leaders….most definitely those in UK/US/EU (Whom are called by me, “The western Empire!”), grew up in or were in adolescence during the first Cold War and so are psychologically afflicted (by seriously flawed propaganda) with anti-“Soviet” sentiments…

It is interesting to me to watch the hysteria….yet the repercussions of the past propaganda are deadly in terms of our existence. If the hysteria propaganda was the same in Russia and or China as in the West? We would be “pushing daisy’s” so to speak…

Thus, a created deep historical (bordered upon hysterical) hatred toward Russia by the Brits (upper classes especially), the French (ditto) and the Germans – who view all Slavs as lesser beings (certainly did up through WWII, and somehow, I doubt that sentiment has been totally eradicated). For the plutocratic corporate-capitalists the lands of Russia would be (as in 1990s) a wonderful plunder location.

Putin and his admin have been a big stumbling block to their extraction of Russia’s natural abundant wealth for the west. Blend all aspects that the Western Empire is exhibiting together and you have the immoral, unconscionable actions, behaviors of the past decades and longer…

MH17,  Russia stole the Crimea from Ukraine rather than the truth, Russia poisoned the Skripals and now poisoned Navalny (the western govt psychos not giving a flying flip about Proof, Evidence, and Truth), that even recently that Russia has “deliberately targeted” the civilians in Idlib, killing hundreds as it bombed (and how strange it is that this accusation comes the day following Russia’s election to the UN Human Rights body. Do you think and ask why?)

Then there are those planned upheavals (Western “NGO” provoked) in Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia-Azerbaijan – all, how strange, on Russia’s borders…

Russia really does need to turn its back on western Europe and do what the West fears most: join in full comity with China…

The last thing China and Russia want: The USA (ex)imploding and going full psychopath

Oh and yes the Western fear against China is just as pathetic and just as Psychotic…

The fear of all things by the west is really stinking up the world right now…

It is, “Not just What? (but) When Psychopaths Fear!”