WtR is old as the Russian Hills ~~

Ever stop to think that WtR or Windows to Russia has been around all these years? So many about Russia sites have come and gone. I have followed and read thousands of sites trying to do something akin to either make money off of posting about Russia and or trying to tell the world that Russia sucks and or Russia is great!

They all fail! Literally all fail….they do not make money….they do not have readership to speak of…. If they succeed in any form? They are attacked relentlessly by anti-Russian sects…. & attacked by the USA Gov and corporations off the USA…

They are never written & writing from their hearts. They write to make money! Not gonna happen unless you write hate about Russia. No one wants to see good about Russia…it seems!

15 years (give or take) I have relentlessly posted. 7500 posts and thousands lost due to massive attacks against the site over the years. Tens of thousands of destroyed images by Google, Blogger Blogspot, HostGator, GoDaddy and many other sweet places such as Facebook, Twitter and whatnot’s…

I guess we will see what the future brings?

I am still going strong and still alive. Thanks to my sweetpea and Russia…