Just a 100 years of massive agenda & manipulation and the joke is on; We the worlds people…

Europe is more than a buffer against Russia for the USA. Europe is actually the enabler of US imperialism. All on purpose and hidden within plain sight. Without the complete and unbridled European help, nothing would be as it has become! For example even within immediate modern times, it was the combination of the Lehman Bros implosion and the attack by the US rating agencies on European countries that launched the euro crisis and turmoil. By this movement of the USA, it was & allowed the Europeans who ended up to transfer huge sums of money for the US wars during the years before, because they were financed by repacking debt in “financial black-hole investments” which Euro banks knowingly bought as a way to finance and payoff the USA as corruption and coercion fees. Then all recycled and manipulated to look like a crises to continue the charade uninterrupted….again it is not us peasants that see any rewards, but worldwide rich/royalty types endlessly get more wealthy every second of their lives…

Now you you gather the reason that the USA threw some bones at the European Banking system during the crises. What is a few billions in aid, compared to trillions being stolen? Borrowed? Er….I mean, “Temporary U.S. dollar liquidity swap arrangement” was a fancy way of saying, “Thanks for the trillions!” as the USA paid off its European Court Jesters…

But you say, “Why?”, For without Europe who’d be there? Who else would collect the massive fees of financial and immorality to appease the ones in power. Canada and Australia? Who else but Britain! Who else but London? Who else but the royalty? It’s the economic muscle of Europe that allows the USA to be all powerful, because Europe entirely devoted to facadism, bows to the US empire….while still pulling strings under the table. It is a way to stay in power…

You have to admit that there is very little difference in the British Empire and the American Empire!

Nobody else plays the world “Court Jester” as good as the EU (Britain is #1 Court Jester and the whole EU is basically the continent of Court Jesters). One of the most hidden powerful in your face positions with the king is the Court Jester….Plus, the EU offers a perfect geographic location for military bases to threaten Russia, bomb the Middle East, and control Africa. Still using the old British Empires left over successions into the world as cover up…

Playing the devil’s advocate the USA twisted and managed to, with Britain’s help, started two world wars in Europe. As the British happily took the money from the USA to ease old debts of the dead empire. The old empire floundered in a glorious Court Jester style, to cover the new empires rise, under our noses…

The USA masterfully by using the “Diktat of Versailles” to end WW1. It became the groundwork to humiliate Germany, to set up the foundation for WW2. The British and the Americans later intentionally funding the WW2 Nazis rise into power was a cunning, nasty and very calculating geopolitical move to conquer Europe as a whole, by the USA, with the Court Jesters help. This all happened as the world was directed to see Germany as the demon, led by Hitler. Whom was actually just doing his part as directed by his handlers; The new Empire of the USA…

Now I have a warning for Europe; If you are still awake and coherent, you must be able to see that your necks, not Russian and or Chinese necks, are on the real chopping block. Britain and the USA will guillotine the rest in Europe and then the USA will finally make its last move, as it castrates Britain in the end…

Wow, talk about agenda and manipulation!


Just a 100 years of massive agenda & manipulation and the joke is on; We the worlds people….as we are watching the Empire ignore, delete, drop, destroy and blame all others for treaties being undone continually.

WASHINGTON, November 22. /TASS/. Washington has officially confirmed on Sunday that it is no longer a party to the Open Skies Treaty.

Not much left to get rid of! Time is getting short for the USA Empire is suffering…