Just been? Just Been! All good in Moscow, Russia…

Cold, snowy and perfect walking weather. Therefore, Svetochka and I have been walking three to five hours a day in the early morning and then settling in to stay warm the rest of the day…

Still having issues seeing my site (WtR), but all is good as it is easy to bypass such issues. Grumble grumble says the bear!

Thus, I am on a proxy to even write this article! The whole world can see WtR easily, but me….Gotta love life?

I have been working on a new laptop that we just acquired from AliExpress. What a dream machine. Dirt cheap, very well built, powerful hardware and well, just plain really cool…

The old Dell has reached its basic usefulness. It is 15 years old now and cannot keep up anymore with modern life. A newer laptop, bought several years ago from a local shop, just plain sucks and was a piss poor purchase by us, mainly me….it will become permanent TRV next year. It is really sad. A past netbook, never buy a Windows netbook, is history and the Lenovo Yoga Laptop that I won in a raffle in Estonia, has been confiscated by my sweet pea for home work!

So I had been plucking away on an old Dell tank like laptop, with a Linux OS to allow it to stay functional and getting by. Now I am so special…

But, I still have to deal with why my site does not load at our home?

Everyday, I check upon the charade called, “USA Presidential Election 2020″…

I thought King Corona was a bunch of stupidness?

No, the crowning of the head puppet of the American Empire makes King Corona look like a panty waist….I think!

Tell Biden and Trump to go away & lets find, redo and enjoy someone totally different and whom has a very different mindset than two rejects in the puppet department. Better yet, tell them to go away and then we will see that the USA will run exactly the same if we have a president or not…

But the Trumpets’ and the Bidets’ are all seriously “worship concentric” in their existence at this moment!

Puppets do not run a damn thing. The string pullers (puppeteers) do…

But it all makes for a good soap opera, just like the British Brexit crap and we still are acting like it matters, as Trump looks more and more like a spoiled child. Tough job, yet Trump is up to the job of a spoiled child! For that matter so is Biden, Obama, Hillary, Bush and a whole bunch more that we have endured over the years…

Who wants to be president?

This video makes me laugh and feel good!



WE are still alive and still posting to WtR. Just been so busy and walking a bunch, dealing with King Corona Virus and its backlashes…

Sveta and I know too many people who have now been killed by Covid-19. It is really sad and we are glad that the hard hit healthcare workers & teachers are getting the first vaccines. Many in these two professions have left us early in life this past year…

Sveta and I are thankful everyday that we have the means to keep King Corona out of our lives so far! Knock on wood…