Cortisone shot in the right rotator cuff of my shoulder!

Oh what a relief! Thank you…

Cortisone shot in the right rotator cuff of my shoulder:

I insisted and got what I needed. They were not wanting to do it at first and they wanted therapy, MRI and lots of other tests. You know that money stuff, that clinics desire to acquire to stay in business? Except I desire not to spend too much money in the world. I have toys and fun things to do with money, not waste it on frivolous therapy/MRI for a torn rotor cuff…

The shot and Dr. visit cost about $50 bucks for this non-Russian citizen…

Having been injured about a million times in my life, due to an abundance of basic things….like being a rambunctious boy, crazy teenager, many years in the army and lots of other exciting stupid things that I do….I have had my share of cortisone shots in knees, elbows and whatnot’s…

I wanted Toradol:

Toradol….Not available in Russia….so I settled for the old tried and true, but more (sometimes) controversial cortisone. Except to me it is not controversial. Cortisone does not bother me, except to allow me to heal and get rid of the pain for months at a time. It does not bother me because no amount of pain through a cortisone shot comes and or came anywhere near the pain that I endured for over a year…

This morning I sat up out of bed at 5:30 a.m. and did not hurt at all. For a year, the pain in my rotator cuff was even making sitting up a pain in the ass and back…. 😉

The truth is:

I waited so long because of King Covid-19 and wanted to wait to start doctor visits again after the Sputnik V vaccine was in full effect. So….I injured my shoulder very badly in March of 2020 and King Corona hit us and I put all my pains on hold…

(Except my grumblings and my whatever about the pains!)

I ended up in the Tiny Russian Village all 2020 summer and back to Moscow to get the vaccine and now here one year later, I feel and felt safe enough to visit the doctors for my shoulder injury…

Maybe therapy? Maybe loving care? Maybe or maybe not would have helped at the original time? Yet, I accepted the cards I was dealt with and at this point a direct attack of the joint with cortisone is the only option. Way past time for therapy and nice gentle treatments to coerce the shoulder back to happiness…

A day late and a dollar short is how I look at it!

One year of no sleep! One year of 24 hours a day pain!

Thanks King Covid-19…

I love you to!