Sveta got blocked by Viber…

She sent me this link to a rehearsal for the upcoming parade in Moscow. It was a live stream and is all about a holiday that Russian has. Important stuff if a Russia citizen….it is an actual link to YouTube and a actual news source in Russia. About an actual event coming up in Russia and yes, it is all actual, factual and really news that is true and not fake….except if you are an American in the USA living in a bubble of deceit….then it needs to be blocked. Strange thing is that she sent it from Russia to Russia, not to the USA and a person living there. Looks like they intercept and scrub all links and data you use on Viber?

Svetochka got to find out how it feels to be innocent and have social media block you, I am well versed in such happenings!

Then, she was blocked by Viber, for she sent the link through Viber on her computer…

They unblocked her for 24 hours and said if she does anything bad again like this, sending a nasty, terrible and evil Russian video link, she will be blocked forever….one more strike and you are out…

Svetochka said, “All they want in the USA are sock monkey people!”

Yes my Sweetpea, the west is full of sock monkey’s and it will not get better…

So Sveta and I moved from Viber to Signal. And it works better than Viber, get Signal to stay in touch with each other…