But along came the Covid-19 shutdown and our culvert got stuck in limbo…

Doesn’t matter what and why in the end. It just matters that the Covid-19 shutdown of everything literally in Russia has stopped the progress of things getting done for us in TRV…

TRV: Culvert pipe is being delivered “probably Friday”…Today that is, by the Fish Farm…

Nope, Culvert did not make it and the Fish Farm let everyone go a day early of the official lock down. Not my call and not my decision and life is that way….best laid plans of mice and men…

Next year is a new year and it will get done when we come again to TRV…

This is how I look when waiting patiently for others to get things done…

Well as I waited earlier in the post above. Some things happened and some things did not…

Sammy the Volga car is okay….Sammy the Volga model ended up back in the USA because you know Russia is an unknown country you know….Culvert was a fail thanks to King Covid….Sweetpea showed up (Yippy)….and the miracle of all miracles, the electric company installed a new power pole…

So I would say close enough to call it perfect… 🙂