This is how I look when waiting patiently for others to get things done…

I am waiting for the electric company to do their job, yes I know good luck with that…

The electric company jammed their van on a boulder and left it in the road and I moved it. Thank you guys for the boulder…

I am waiting for a package to come from the USA…

Sammy The Volga Model is done and working out the shipping issues…

Sammy the Volga Cardboard Model…

I am waiting for some parts (three sensors) for Sammy the Volga to fix the startup idle issue since it got very cold outside….an issue that stems from work we had done and had to have redone….and still finding issues…

Poor Sammy the Volga…


I am waiting for a culvert pipe to be delivered from civilization to ten buck two, our Tiny Russian Village…

I am waiting for pigs to fly and put on lipstick…

I am waiting for world peace and harmony (Good Luck with that)…

I am waiting for my SweetPea to show up on the 18th of October…

Well that is my look, as I get everything done that I can do within my powers and then I have to wait. Actually, that is my happy face, you know, because I am waiting…

This is also the look I give when people tell me that I am a fake American living in Russia to promote propaganda!

Enjoy my happy face….look a pig flying, Oops no lipstick…


PS: I am also waiting for why metformin that I take for blood sugar stability smells so damn bad… Lordy Be…

About the Author


A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.