Thoughts about what the Hell is going on in the world…

Damn People!
I understand peoples frustrations but there is more to what we are witnessing than meets the eye…

Firstly the western (US) propaganda is powerful but of course….every nation has its own forms of propaganda and it is not just a one sided weapon. Russia is biding its time allowing the western propaganda to do its work on its own people scaring the demons into them fearing WW3. Everyone knows if that starts….no one wins…

The US and its horde of “Mini ME’s” think they are intimidating Russia but in reality, they have given Russia time to finish a lot of their projects, and make some very critical alliances. There is a reason Macron was targeted by Putin the other day. The French by-and-large are pro Russian but their government is turning against Russia in a gaslighting type of doublespeak…

The French people will NOT allow their nation to be destroyed AGAIN by being sold out like last time. So by waiting….the western alliances are crumbling, lines are being drawn and now the entire world knows exactly who is who and who is really the evil enemy. Most noteworthy being those that drive the USA from the shadows…

One thing that the west does not have, unlike the east, is patience. The western have it now attitude does not work against people who can wait and watch your squirming as you wait….the Western Empire is squirming a whole bunch these days…

Finding most of your population in your country are sheep? That is not new. Time after time over many thousands of years.. this scenario has played out albeit on smaller scales. Each time it is the same. The crazies driving this Shitzer train think they are smarter than everyone else. superior race and all that jazz. So they are plunging into the same deceptions over an over and over. Sure it worked during the forgone years but always on a small scale…

Today, the world is waking up and interconnected in ways that never could have been imagined in the old days. Russia is trying hard not to bring about the “end of the world” in a nuclear showdown, whilst at the same time, making sure the rest of the world understands the USA and its allies will never prevail. Not even close to winning. Not in a conventional war, not in a nuclear war! Except, the USA and Cronies want your cake and they will eat it also, as you watch….be careful what you wish for…

The USA and literally every aspect of the Western Empire and Cronies are so broke now it cant afford to fight any more wars, unless it takes its own currency and its status as “reserve” into the toilet. Thus, the “Mini ME’s” like the more than willing Poland, and places like the Ukraine who are basically American wannabe’s are acting on behest of the USA at cents on the dollar….like the whore on the street corner whom just wants any john to payoff the pimp…

Moscow and Beijing are now all but conjoined twins so you fight one, you fight both. Start a war with one, you get multiple fronts and the USA cannot even manage a war with their middling Iran let alone the biggest super powers in the world…

Notice India does not get attacked by the west? That is because they are hoping the slower development of India might give them some of old Chinese style production. Oh yes, India! Now that is an interesting country, lets see how far that goes. I suggest telling India that cow farts are illegal as they are in the EU and watch what happens! (Cows Farts and Global warming issues are hand in hand in the EU.)

What should tell you or India something if you totally missed what the USA has done since WW2. Let the USA into your home, you come home to find your home gutted, everything of value gone, and they even destroy your ability to generate income so they can keep coming back to pick up anything else you might have or gain in the future….so India kick the USA out now…

I would not be concerned about Russia, because Russia is a very highly advanced nation, and with very close and well developed ties to many countries….they have unlimited backing and zero to worry about with sanctions. Europe on the other hand….will have to find some way to get energy once they allow the USA to kill the gas pipelines from the east. And that my friend will ensure that any nation that blocks Russia will be toppled by its own citizens and the alliance with the USA, broken once and for all. So really it is a game of bluff by the West….the amount of fracking gas from the USA is really a short term broken dream…

But with the Ukraine.. well they are the “wild card” that could throw the entire thing into the toilet. But if that happens such as Ukraine actually attacking its own people again, on a large scale, Russia only has one recourse….to wipe Kiev, Ukraine completely off the board so it can no longer be a threat. China will most certainly fill the void and that would not surprise me if Russia is finally forced to smash NATO and Ukraine within Ukraine itself…

Why not….its the excuse the USA and cronies use with the e.g…UAE and Israel right?

The power structure of the world is changing and right before our eyes…

What happens is all based upon a dying Western Empire and its desires to go quietly and or with a bang…