Putin is correct and yet they still play games…will they play until it is too late?

One thing that has to be accepted is that Crimea is Russian and it has been for a very long time in history….and never ever forget that the USA and cronies are why Crimea is back in Russian arms and care….Never mess with a bears child…

MOSCOW, February 1. /TASS/. No one in the West has ever thought that if Ukraine is admitted to NATO and ventures an attack on Crimea, Russia will have to be at war with the alliance, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.”[Crimea] is Russia’s sovereign territory.

The matter is closed for us in this sense. Let us imagine that Ukraine is a NATO member and ventures such a combat operation. Are we supposed to be at war with NATO? Well, has anyone even given a thought to it? It looks like no one has,” he said. He once again stressed that Ukraine’s membership of NATO is unacceptable for Russia. “Listen to me carefully. Ukraine’s doctrinal documents say that they are planning to return Crimea, including by military means. It is not what they are saying in public but what is actually written in documents,”

Putin explained. “Let us imagine that Ukraine is a NATO member, stuffed with weapons and state-of-the-art missile systems like in Poland and Romania. Who will stop it from unleashing operations in Crimea, let alone Donbass.”.

Source: No one ever thought what can be if Ukraine is admitted to NATO and attacks Crimea — Putin – Russian Politics & Diplomacy – TASS

Accept the fact that Putin just said it is not Ukraine that is the issue….it is NATO and NATO is the key to what is happening….a defunct archaic system from the old days is trying to stay viable and there is no reason in this modern times to have a NATO at all…

Russia is not wanting a war, yet Russia is not ignoring the fact that all the games are being played by a defunct NATO to keep its relevance in the modern world and if that means another war….so be it says NATO….for NATO has destroyed many many countries as of late, even if the west refuses to admit through technicalities that NATO/USA is involved…

When you live by the sword? You die by the sword…


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.