Ukraine has been lost as we have known it and it looks to stay lost…

Ukraine needs help and not from the Western Empire of Death!

In 2016 I wrote: To be honest it hurt me to see a city that I love so much being sucked into the quagmire and it compares to the partner in your life and they start taking heroin and are full fledged addicts, as you see that nothing will stop the self-destruction. That you see happening right in front of your eyes is sadness of unimaginable depths…

I spent lots of wonderful time in Ukraine. Most out of necessity, yet it was still good memories and always good people for the most part. Many visa trips have cemented my love for Ukraine…

I have written many articles about what the USA has done and is doing to the people of Ukraine. I was sad and now sadness has become anger in me at what the USA is doing to Ukraine. I have many articles, but below is just a few links of my past watching the Ukraine people and it is interesting that it all has happened and has been happening for many many years. Ukraine has been destroyed by the Western World and it has been destroyed on purpose. I doubt Ukrainians will wake up…

Sadness is but just a Kiev…

From Russia: Ukraine Has Changed!

We all knew! But it is so much better to hear it from US officials! Ukraine USA Interference…

Ukraine Cries and the U.S. desires that…

In 2010 I wrote about how Ukraine had finally started to get out of the doldrums…

Now the West has killed insurance and no one can fly above Ukraine legally. The rich have fled, the actual western trainers for the military have fled, Ukraine is looking around and wondering about its future…

While the Western Empire is ripping the heart out of Ukraine as it leaves the carcass behind….Russia is being blamed for everything and I mean everything under the sun…

Yet it is Russia that will help Ukraine back up and or help at least the pieces it can help….for as with anything that gets broken by misuse and or on purpose….things never are the same, no matter how strong the glue is…

I am still sad and now very angry for Ukraine…


Ukraine needs help and not from the Western Empire of Death!