I could not imagine a world without the beautiful music from Baby Birds! TRV

Frosty and bitterly cold…

The little baby birds all had to get out their winter coats again for last night. So this morning mamma sparrow in the front yard was looking at me as if I had something to do with this cold. She sat in her plum tree and chirped at me. Winter coat on, stocking hat and gloves on. She was not happy…

Mamma sparrow in the back yard, looked at me from under the edge of the roof where her nest is and said, bring me some seeds so that I do not have to come out and the Wagtail at the backyard, peaked over the edge where her nest is and said, “Do what you want, I am not running away this morning! Too Cold…”

So I talked to each of them and assured them that I was in no mood to stir up trouble either. It just is too cold…

Yesterday, as I worked in the yard. I felt little eyes upon me. I was under the plum trees and the sparrows were above me chirping away. I have been noticing something interesting…

I looked up at them and they stopped chirping. They just stared at me. I looked away and they started to chirp again. I looked up at them and they stared at me silently. These little ones watch you and realize that you are watching them…

If I ignore them, I can be within touching distance and they do not care. Yet, if I focus upon them, as in look directly at them. They immediately shut up and stare right back at me. It is as if, “What? What you want?”

I have a yard full of little baby birds, as I call them and they are happy happy as I work around the yard. They wait for me to dig, cut and mess things up in the yard and then they get the bugs and whatnot’s that I stirred up. I mow and behind me are little baby birds picking at the ground I just mowed…

It is a mutual relationship…

I ignore them and enjoy the beautiful symphonies all day long and they eat what I make run away from my work. It works and it makes me happy to listen to the sounds all day…

Except, do not pay attention to them!

I could not imagine a world without the beautiful music from Baby Birds!