Friday prayer under the leadership of Imam Sheikh Abu Anas…

Assalamu alaikum! By the will of Almighty Allah, we performed ruzba in the mosque named after the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad – Khamzat. In Friday’s sermon, dear BROTHER Adam Shahidov spoke about the boundless and perfect mercy of Allah Almighty, which He bestows on His sincere servants.

The Almighty is so just and merciful that he grants the degree of martyr even to the believer who died after choking on a sip of water. Whoever, with sincere and deep faith in Allah Almighty, shows due patience in the event of disasters, illnesses or other hardships, the Merciful and Merciful Allah will also grant him the highest step in the eternal world.

Concluding Friday’s sermon, Adam Shahidov asked Almighty Allah to grant a speedy victory to our brothers in Ukraine, who are fighting against nationalistic and satanic evil spirits for the honor and dignity of the Muslim Ummah. Amine!

We performed a collective Friday prayer under the leadership of Imam Sheikh Abu Anas. May Allah accept our ruzba!

Ramzan Kadyrov (Рамзан Ахматович Кадыров)