“The horsemen of the apocalypse are on their way” – said Dmitry Medvedev

“The horsemen of the apocalypse are on their way” – said Dmitry Medvedev…

“These are not predictions. This is what has already happened. This can be treated differently, but we can assume that the “horsemen of the Apocalypse” are already on their way and all hope is only in the Lord God, in the Almighty, ” said Medvedev…

Well it look like someone is waking up to who is in charge in the Western Empire of Lies. I know Putin has felt and seen this, I saw that from the beginning and now I have see the Eastern world wake up to this very fact…

“The horsemen of the apocalypse are on their way” – said Dmitry Medvedev…

Something evil has reared its head and we are the meal…


So, it is all looking rather chaotic…