To watch the waking of the western based alternate media is interesting…

This war or as Russia likes to call it, SMO (for Special Military Operation) is and has been about evil and who is driving it, who are the minions, who wants the world under its control?

I said several times about that this war is just a continuation of WW2. Which is just to say, Good vs Evil and WW2, like WW1 was instigated by the same power and the same evil. That is the real issue and the only thing I keep saying is, “Can Russia eradicate Lucifer?”

I have no other name to use and no other theories to toss around. I do a bunch of thinking and try to find reasons behind humans whom are what I simply say, are stupid. Evil and stupid. This is the crutch of the matter. Humans are being manipulated, have been manipulated and always will be manipulated by powers above us. It really is above our pay grade…

Earth 2022; We are watching in real-time and it is above our pay grade…

I have talked many times about Lucifer and or what you want to use in his place. I have talked about a Holy War…

I call it a Holy War and a Holy War it is…

and back in 2015 I talked about the start of the Holy War…

If no other way to war? Make it a “Holy War!”

That was when the Ukraine Orthodoxy jumped in bed with the fallen lady called the Catholic Church. It was 2015 and Ukraine Orthodoxy married that fallen lady and it has not been a marriage made in heaven, but hell….it shows that corruption of the soul can be within anyone and any religion. The Russian Orthodox was devastated when the Ukraine Orthodox fell to evil…

This is not something that I want to be and or want to happen. I don’t make this stuff up. I simply express what I feel and see and know. It is something that started in earnest at the same time that Donbass became the Nazi target to destroy the Russians. That happening was the catalyst that would be used to create what we have now in Ukraine…

The pieces of info over the years are small at the time, yet when you look back and you start putting the puzzle together, you see the picture emerging. I have an advantage and you have the same advantage. I have documented everything on this blog. Little pieces of info, time and time again. Things that we need to see the whole picture. If it catches my eye and it strikes me wrong? I write it down. You do not always care that I do it and you get upset that I do it. Yet, when you pull it all together from the pages of the blog WtR, you find the largest source of what is happening, in the world right now…

Just start with Georgia attacking Ossetia and come forward from there and you will find enough information to get you started on realization of what country is behind this and what that country has been doing against Russia and the world at large. Maybe, within that info you will spot the Anti_Christ?

The West against the East, but it started too soon for the West. The West was trying to slight of hand everything and get everything on its terms. Russia said, “No”…

Now I see article after article, that the alternate as we call it alternate media. Has finally started to embrace that this is not just a SMO and or war, it is much more than that…

The alternate media, which is very suppressed is still starting to understand that the scenario we are witnessing is beyond what humans are able to understand. You have to study and contemplate a full spectrum thinking. You have to do more than think in the box we live in and on. Once you realize that what we see as unbelievable actions on the part of the West, are actions of something beyond our total control to hinder and alter…

The main thing that has finally developed and is being embraced is that, “The West is evil!”, nothing else fits except that thought. It is simple; the transgender, gay, support of all things non conductive to life, financial, morals,materialism, and thousands of more things that do not make sense, except to a “Sodom and Gomorrah” society…

I will expand upon this later and maybe right here on this article, but I have a million things to do…

The gist of it all is that some are waking up. Some are seeing things that for hundreds of years we have ignored. Some are feeling the twisting of the souls upon earth and I see that somehow, someway and God Bless, that Russia has an army of men of multiple nationalities whom are bound together. Multiple religions, race color and creed are walking side by side right now. They are fighting for our planet and this is no joking matter…

If your soul is not bought by Lucifer? Then help fight this situation. For we are now starting to see; Whom is bought and whom is free?