When the “Special Military Operation (SMO)” becomes a true war? That is when the pain starts…

Al Jolson in the 1927 film The Jazz Singer, ‘You ain’t heard nuttin’ yet’.

Then it has become: You ain’t seen nothing yet!

I admit that I am guilty as anyone to call this a war. It is far from a war. Yet, it is the start of a war. WW3 is in progress and the whole thing is laid in the lap of the dying Empire. This is a planned and strategic move by Russia…

I am seeing signs that Russia is getting testy about the Empires games. Yet, what else does the Empire have? Not much, and yet if Russia declares war? It will not be against Ukraine. It will be against the Empire of Chaos and Empire of Lies…

Yes, you actually have two main Empires, within the one. Problems are brewing…

As long as this SMO stays in Ukraine? Well, that is the best for the world. Russia is doing its thing and will clean up the scum of western terrorists in Ukraine and we all go home alive. But, everyday the USA, NATO and EU do some other lamebrained move and push us closer and closer to total war. It is as if they in the west have a death sentence? I have already talked about this situation and don’t need to expand upon that ignorance by the west right now…

So what happens if “War” is declared?

Then Russia takes off the gloves and hits the West with wartime stuff…

Russia shuts off all resources to Europe, USA and anyone on the naughty list, immediately. That’s what’s going to manifest itself if Washington continues to escalate like a little child in a sandbox. You can wager on it in Las Vegas. If Russia’s “Special Military Operation” all at once will be declared a War?

The Europe will go dark, peasants will freeze, industries will go silent, starvation will run rampant, and the European continent will take on the ability to look like North Korea at night and there is hardly any lights shinning as you look down from above. Especially after, hyper-sonic meets every military base. hydrocarbon spot, warships, power plants and anything necessary to demilitarize Europe…

The USA will have to a degree the same effect and the same thing happen. People still ignore that the USA is still buying record amounts of Russian oil and other necessary resources. You think gasoline is high now? Diesel is high priced. Yet when Hyper-sonic meets everything necessary in the USA as in Europe?

You ain’t seen nothing yet!

You may say! But we have weapons and are are the only Super Power…

I don’t care. You don’t get it and most likely never will, until it is way too late. Russia has had its existence on the planet threatened. Russia did not appreciate being threatened with its death and the people in Russia are ready to stop the crap from the Western World…

Right now Russia is Super Pissed!

Russia will still be standing after the USA and the EU is carpet bombed with everything Russia has. The fact is that Russia has so many more missiles than the West thinks they do, that as I told Svetochka, “We will know when it starts, the sky will be black with screaming missiles!”

And we see time and time again, “What did we do?”

Well lets see what the west has done!

Devalued life, devalued family, devalued money, played the Gay card, played the transgender card, destroyed the family unit of man and woman, created woke capitalism….pink hair, purple hair, pussy suits, Drag Queens in schools, hate white men, color revolutions, spread democracy by bombs, act like we are god, bio-weapon labs, created Covid-19, spied upon her people, devalued religion, gay religion, lesbian religion, transgender religion, Satanic worship in schools, colonialism, political instability within and spread around, weaponized the dollar, bullying, arm twisting, corruption, lies, corporate owned media, government owned media, narcissism, wokeness, greed, power, games, sports, manipulation, debt as money, cheating, treachery, terrorism, sanctions, unpredictable, unstable, Xenophobic, Russophobia, crumbling infrastructure, materialism, pretend moral high-ground, antithetical, no rule of law, prison rate, American Indian Genocide, war and more war, and a million other things could be added right here…

But, that is enough stuff we did wrong, to get in trouble…

We are in trouble…