How far back in time does Russia want to push NATO?

This is the question that I ask myself. I looked at what I have heard Russia say…

This western news article is actually got what Russia wants basically correct, so using it will be fine. Russia wants 1997 as the backward point of settling for NATO…

The first, among other points, would require Russia and NATO not to deploy additional troops and weapons outside the countries where they were in May 1997 – before the accession to NATO of any of the former communist states in East Europe that for decades were dominated by Moscow. It would mean NATO abandoning any military activities in Ukraine, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Source: Russia demands NATO roll back from East Europe and stay out of Ukraine | Reuters

An animation showing the year and location of counties as they joined the alliance
CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

A good map below to help understand…

Now with that said above…

All the rhetoric being spewed by the Empire of Lies and Chaos is pointing to now the scramble of trying to keep from getting stymied and shut down. It is not a NATO now that is king of the hill, it is a NATO trying to even stay alive. As its relevance is being torn apart and the world watches an Empire die…

NATO which is USA and EU in control and mainly the USA, stuttering and yammering, as they face the facts that Russia was ready for them and more than ready to go all the way…

It has been interesting to watch in real-time. The Bully Empire got a serious black eye and the world is really happy about this issue. The bullying of the world by the USA has now turned into watching a staggering drunk Empire of Chaos wondering what happened!

I wonder what made the US think that it could lie, start a war and lie again and start another war and keep going forever?

As with continue to mess in other countries sovereignty and always act the innocent as they color revolutionized the world?

Did we believe our own hubris that much and or did we just Hail Mary it on a Wing and a Prayer?

The last question is a failure from the start for the USA, no belief in God and angels, so no wings to fly with…

Now my questions are about where will Russia decide to end all this?

I heard Putin say and Lavrov has verified it that NATO has to get back to some Red Line Russia has set and it involves 1997. I count nine or ten countries have to leave the NATO war machine or else? Baltic countries are definitely involved in this. That gives you a starting point for the reason Russia started to build back better… (RBBB)

Since from 1990 nothing changed until 1999 officially, 1997 must be when Poland and others applied to join. It seems Russia is accepting of a pre-1997 NATO and or basically how it was in 1990. So why not just say back to 1990 and that is that. maybe sounds better to say 1997? Or is it due to the shenanigans that Gorby did and Yeltsin did when they destroyed the USSR? I guess 1997 is when Russia is Russia and not USSR, CCCP or Soviet Union and has the reigns back into its hands? Dunno!

I have talked about that this situation is Russia’s to decide about. That means, if Russia never wants to stop? Russia will take all of Europe! This is not what Russia wants, yet the more that Europe and America play Checkers as Russia plays Chess? The worse the situation will be for the Empire of Lies…

Waking the Russian Bear and poking at the bear with sharp sticks, was a stupid thing to do…

The Russian Bear was very happy to sleep and be left alone…

and I believe that now the USA has seen the reality of this below. And yes Russia will not back away this time. It is do or die!

I do believe that Russia might use the USA Playbook in Ukraine?

Why oh why are we in the USA so stupid?

The USA woke the Russian Bear…

We now have War Bear!

So the end to this is not in Russia’s hands. The Empire of Lies started this and has to end it by backing away. Russia has stated what it wants and needs. NATO/USA/EU have to decide how much farther back Russia pushes them… 1955 or 1945 or 1942? Or NATO being cancelled with its throat cut and bleeding out on the soil of Europe. So take what you got and be happy NATO. You knew it was coming, you prepared for years and still got your ass handed to you…

Thus you see a huge change of rhetoric being spun by the west. The blame game has begun. Ukraine is the fall guy. The realization that Russia is going to make a dependent for ever of the USA and EU as a retarded land locked step child. & The realization that the best the Empire had is being slaughtered by Russia. Is hitting home…

Why oh why would anyone try to piss the bear off at his den?

It is all in your “Luciferian Heart” and your ball park, USA!