Why you wake me? Why you stupid? Why you acting weird? Maybe lunch time? I am watching you…
You might express that the Russian bear has been awoken from his den, his home, his дома, by all the yelling outside his den by a bunch of ignorant fools, whether ignorant by choice and or stupidity, who knows! The bear it has come out of its den and is just rubbing its eyes and stretching its limbs. Normally when it gets up it wants a good back scratching on a huge rock or tree and find some fresh berries to munch on….but there are idiots screaming, waving their arms and running around within sight of it den opening and the bear having just woke from the sleep of time, is assessing what is going on. Actually the bear has been polite and not wanting to do more than just scratch his back eat some berries and be left alone….yet, the idiots are starting to raise the hackles on the bear neck. The sign that an issue is getting out of hand and that issue is running around like “stupids in a barrel of oil” right outside the bears home…
Its these Hackles on the bears neck that has the entire West in a state of confused disarray and bordering upon panic. The bear has been sleeping and we never woke him before this….This stupidity just gets worse and worse, for they do not know what else to do, they just want to play nasty games in front of the bear den and not have to pay for the stupidity….and not all die and be eaten for lunch. The bear has just woke you know?
This is not a bad thing at this moment and the bear will asses how much of a threat is around and how much stupid is around and are they worth eating for lunch?
But to say that Russian Bear will attack is not anyone else decision for the bear may turn and go to sleep, if left alone and or charge the idiots like a fright train….no one will decide for the bear when to attack, no one but that Russian bear…
God help us if we keep running around like idiots in front of the Bear’s Den…
PS: By the way….Ukraine any day will attack Donbass….will that make the bear charge the irritating rodents…