Russians have observed and say: “Now, Russophobia comes at a steep price!”…

Good deal for you Russophobes!

Symptoms of Russophobia – Someone experiencing Russophobia will feel a great deal of anxiety when reading about Russia in the newspaper or when hearing about it on TV. They may become so overwhelmed with anxiety that they will be forced to put the newspaper down or change the channel so that they can relieve their suffering. As mentioned before, their anxiety may be so intrusive that they may experience full blown panic attacks which may require hospitalization. – Source: Russophobia (Fear of Russians) – Psych Times

Psych analysis and help for your Western Russophobia in the link above…

And you do need help if you are part of this media and western sickness…

Mental illness is no joke and I am not joking…

Russophobia in the West could destroy the world and that is no joking matter…