Did the shift of world power catch you off guard?

It is sorta like, “The changing of the guard!” Except the last guard didn’t realize that he was being replaced with a new and better guard??? The West never saw it coming and yet some of us talked about it and some of us saw it. Did you see it? Probably not…

But why was it so unexpected?

Everyone has an opinion about what is happening in real-time before our eyes. Everyone as in the media. Hell, the plebs in the USA cannot even find Russia and or Ukraine upon the map…

It is like the ignorance flows as these people have no idea about anything, anywhere. A guy points at Australia and says that is Ukraine and points at New Zealand and says that is Russia! Little country attacked big country? Guess they will loose?A woman says they went all the way around here and attacked Ukraine. They said, well, you get it. Some knew, most did not and that is the actual truth…

Did the shift of world power catch you off guard?

Yes it did and now you understand why everyone is so messed up…

The sky is actually falling!

And you never saw it coming…

I Think I Saw “Chicken Little” This Morning While I Walked The Dog…

But it seems that it has been falling for a long time…