Lost in the fog of war (Ukraine did attack the Donbass)…

Ukraine did attack the Donbass, since at give or take a half day or so 16th of February, 2022. Ukraine launched a huge artillery barrage against Donbass. This was on top of the never ending attack for many years. Then the west had positive knowledge, no doubt that Russia would attack Ukraine. The USA knew that for Ukraine’s increased by 10x fold attack on Donbass? (Increased because everything else tried before this did not get Russia to cross the border of Ukraine.) The West knew under these conditions that the USA/EU already set up by snubbing Russia and laughing at Russia, there would be a Russian reaction. Without a doubt. They knew so positive that they even had sanctions, weapons and whatnot’s already to go…

This attack by Ukraine was made from Ukraine dugout front lines, dug for 8 years in the form of trenches and war equipment and training by NATO. Ukraine when told to start, started shelling Donetsk, Lugansk, etc as per-planned by NATO. And then naturally the DPR and LPR (Donbass) started pushing back, because the artillery was humongous in volume. From 16th of February to 23-February, 2022 the OSCE identified and verified up to 1600 explosions every day, mostly on Donbass territory and civilians were being slaughtered, meaning the Ukraine had already started artillery softening up for the ground invasion in a few days…

Then on the 23rd of February, 2022, Russia recognized the independence of both Republics, according to article 51 of UN’s Charter. Russia then went to the aid of Donbass, which was being attacked by Ukraine. Russia’s intervention is legal and exact within the rules and laws that the world abides by and or until that point, tried to abide by…

Ukraine is the one who invaded the Donbass. Not the other way around. That is the actual way it happened. It was planned, implemented and done to kill the Russian speakers living in Donbass…

Lost in the fog of war…

But not forgotten!