“Tasty Period®” will be soon near our home in Korolev, Russia. (Mac-doodles Rebranded!)

New Whatchamacallit and my SweetPea went with her son to try it! (‘Vkusno & Tochka’)

So, it is in full swing and is happening. McDonald’s is and was rebranded. That simple and that is the new way of tell the Western Empire to stick it up its ass…

Images above are of our Ex-Mac-doodles nearby front window. It soon will be a “Tasty Period®” and they pay 56,000 rubles a month and they really are opening up all the old McDonald’s into exactly the same food and yes my SweetPea has eaten there several times and the food is exactly the same…

This rebranding thing is happening with almost all so called Western Companies. Literally non of these companies left actually. They told you they did and then rebranded and they are still here in Russia…

As with many of the rebranding companies, wages have been paid to the old employees and also benefits continued and they get their jobs back when the process is done. Therefore, one store at a time all over Russia, new names pop up and business as it always was, except….the ties with the West are gone and the money flows East instead of West now…

While I have not eaten a “Tasty Period®”, and I am not sure that I will. I just do not eat any fast food anymore, anywhere. I know that Russians do not find any differences in the food, service and or stores. Except in logo changes…

SweetPea, just went the other day and got a “Fish Burger®” as it is called officially, instead of “Filet-O-Fish®”. I said, was it good? She said, I dunno, it was just a “Filet-O-Fish®” from McDonald’s!

Good enough and fast, hot and the price is right!

So like many companies from the West?

McDonald’s like so many companies from the Western Pressure to leave? Put their coat on and left. Then changed the coat to a new coat ,at the border and turned around, came back under a new passport and in most cases even a new hat on their head…

Thus, forever severing the ties of any financial obligations and taxation by the west…


Going to be opened soon. Advertising on side of payphone…