MoD of Russia Reports for September 9, 2022…

09.09.2022 (12:40) Orlan-10 UAV formations of the CMD in the Kemerovo region conducted reconnaissance in difficult weather conditions The data was transmitted to the command post, and then the available information and coordinates were sent to the artillery crews for strikes on the targets they had located.
09.09.2022 (11:20) The Military Police of Primorsky Krai established law and order during the Vostok 2022 exercise Tasks included ensuring access control, establishing law and order in the campground and escorting and guarding military columns.
09.09.2022 (10:15) Logistics specialists of the SMD in Armenia provide mass refuelling of military equipment in the highlands Training sessions were held with food supply units and a maintenance company of the Southern Military District.
09.09.2022 (09:00) Snipers from the SMD will destroy single training targets at maximum range in the mountains in Armenia Servicemen are to practice sniper duels, pair operation coordination and hitting targets from awkward positions.