We will now start seeing a more potent fine tuned Russian Fist…

The Russians predicted accurately, they made the smart choice to regulate tactics, not to attack at once the large towns, and then slowly grind down the Ukrainian energy levels, including crushing Ukrainian moral, then they took a deliberate look at the NATO and the will that NATO has to deliver weapons, NATO involvement and calculated what NATO has has available in the next stages of a struggle in warfare that the Russians knew from the beginning will be long, as in many years…

NATO did not disappoint. NATO was and is very predictable. NATO is a paper tiger…

The real reality of the problem for NATO is the Russians used the SMO as though it was just a recon through fighting at big scale, because it was just that. A recon mission. Russia fine tuned its military and never showed what it really has to bring to the table…

Examples of basic determination; Russia determined that the Ukraine nexus of command is only NATO and NATO micro manages the war for Ukraine. That heavy artillery wrecked the Ukraine army structure, leaving the Ukrainian army in chaos, because NATO is unable to fathom Russian artillery power. That NATO really thinks Russia has been trying hard and is flabbergasted at the prospect that Russia has only been reconing the whole time and now is getting ready to get serious…

You don’t want a giant army to do recon. You don’t want a massive extensive artillery and missile launches to do recon. You want light weapons, reliable ammo and specific targeting…

Now ask yourself about when Russia gets seriously involved?

I reality, Mariupol, that experiment which got everyone all excited. Was a recon mission, the considerable quantity of fellows it took to ring and seal the metropolis and villages round it, (15,000 guys simply to do that) turned into lesson of discovery. It took 25,000 guys and 50 days to clean the metropolis and the Azovstal, and Ilychstal. Just to seal the Azovstal withinside the remaining month of preventing, took over one thousand guys. The whole thing was training and recon and lessons in real time…

Subsequent battles for towns required new tactics, all learned due to this recon period…

The undertaking actually is to demilitarize Ukraine and to denazify Ukraine and to Liberate Donbass and forestall the genocide that was going on and was a reality. But infinantly more important. Also, as per Russia from the beginning, to remove NATO / NAZI from Europe…

The Russians are doing this very well…

War and its behavior isn’t always perfection. It is adaptation, maneuvering, exploiting, finding weak points and following the overarching plan. A plan the changes like the wind…

An amazing Army is one that has a mastering of systems, a coaching system in place, a system that makes modifications in equipment and men, a mastering of the tempo of battle, and ability to embrace firmly the depth of action…

Russia has used the SMO to enhance the what, how, which and whilst of its fighting action. Russia discovered in Syria weaknesses in NATO/USA and it now has mastered its prey in Ukraine…

It grows more potent, now no longer simply with massive amounts of delivered manpower, but in enhancing how and with what Russia fights with. Each Russian soldier is worth many of the enemy…

We will now see a more potent fist, a quicker fist, now no longer simply a bigger fist…

The War Bear has been learning and no amount of lying propaganda by the west matters in the least…