The withdrawal of the “letter” of October 24, 2022 is the true course of the USA and what we call the Collective West…

I posted this link below and said to myself, “We will see what happens!”

Okay now we see what happens between a hint of good among the evil in the USA…

Then less than a day later? Letter was rescinded…

Today (October 25, 2022) has also left no doubt about the direction of the USA and its love for evil…

For those that still care about western news sources? Here is the rescind also on the 25th of October 2022…

The Congressional Progressive Caucus has rescinded a letter, signed by 30 House liberals and sent to the White House on Monday, that urged President Biden to negotiate directly with Russia to bring an end to the war in Ukraine.

Source: Democrats withdraw letter urging Biden to rethink Ukraine war strategy – The Washington Post

The withdrawal of the “letter” of October 24, 2022 is the true course of the USA…

I just put in order what happened and the end result and it all happened within 24 hours basically. There was a voice of sanity, small voice, but a voice nonetheless…

What you slept through most likely was the final nail in the coffin for the USA. A squeak of sanity from the US Gov and it was silenced immediately. The course is set, the embracing of evil is assured and who is in charge is not questioned…

What happened while you slept away, was the confirmation of the Western Path good and or bad, it is the path and the path to the end, good or bad…

Bad rules and that is that…

I talked about this, yet that is old news. What we have just seen in all its glory is confirmation of what I have been talking about for months now, even years. It is a path that has been set upon by a few that unless “We the people” want it changed and unless we get out and change it? Your life has now become and is walking the dark-side, in all its glory or maybe not for that matter…

As Rasputin, oh excuse me, Raskin has proclaimed in his letter what we Collective Western types are fighting for…

Well, we are fighting for everything that the bible is opposed to. Just read his letter in the link above and or right here (Link)…

Raskin’s letter is simply a lie from the beginning to end and it is a letter that confirms the real and true state of the Collective West…

If you do not know that this is a war between good and evil?

Then you are a lost soul and when we are lost, only God can help at that point. For we are just human and the decisions we make are ours to bare and to bear, ours alone.  In the end no one on the path you follow, no matter how many are with you on that path and no matter how many say, “What did I do?” Will matter in the end…


The withdrawal of the “letter” of October 24, 2022 is the true course of the USA and what we call the Collective West…