We are “agathokakological” & The West vs Anti-West…

The Collective West has taken on an ideology that it is desiring too envelope their (western) people and make them rally around a new morphology of what is good, moral and righteous. Then they want to spread this righteousness all over the world. This ideology is not based anymore upon (what has been until recently) an ideology based upon a divine being, whom we call “God”…

This thinking, this ideology has become “West is the World” vs a Eastern Evil…

This is what is happening and can be seen in all the western actions, from media, financial, religious, moral and humanistic approaches. A real idea has set within the West and it has become; The West vs Anti-West and or Good vs Evil. All actions by the West are good and all actions by anyone not toeing the western line are evil and bad…

This western ideology of right and wrong is happening while at the same time the western ideology is factually and morally flawed and broken in itself in all aspects. A self-made righteousness is apparent to all not absorbed too deep in the western system…

Tidbit: We are in a war of “Fake vs Real”. The west has become totally immersed within a “woke created system” that has no room for reality with that system. The system is too fragile to allow outside influence into that system. Thus, western doors are closing everywhere around the world…

The west cannot be only good!

That is the crux of the issue…

On Good vs Evil; Armageddon, apocalypse, catastrophe, final battle, final battleground, holocaust and or total annihilation. These are terms used by so many right now on the internet. Mainly being used to push an agenda for the most part and not being used for reality…

We are “agathokakological” – Definition of agathokakological : composed of both good and evil…

That is a big word and humans like to ignore big words. Maybe that is why it is so big in the first place. Maybe that is why it is a nonce word? Just maybe, we don’t like the idea that we are good and evil at the same time? We all are and our life is based upon these decisions of good and evil…

We seem to like being just good and or just evil, for whatever suits our purpose at the moment, but not both at the same time. We also like to embrace evil and make it good to suit us when we need to…

Humans are interesting and the path of least resistance (be it mentally, spiritually and or physically) is the path we most take…

We are “agathokakological” – Anti-West vs The West…

Therefore, we are faced with a West that wants to be good and for everyone to say they are good. The West desires for all of us to say it is good. The West needs us to say it is good. This need is greater than the whole! The need to be seen as not evil and only good and only righteousness…

The West also wants to rule with that goodness and righteousness, that same goodness and righteousness that they want to shove down your throat at the point of a gun barrel…

We are both evil and good. We and our countries we built are agathokakological. It is built in to us as a safety net both mentally and physically. It is when we decide that we are one or the other that issues arise. When we become holy minded in either side of the equation? We lose touch with realistic existentialism of life…

The Collective West has become unbalanced. We must have a balance of good with bad for either alone and unchecked, is as bad as the other…