The last trip to Turkey is a Paradox for me… (Prenses Sealine Beach Hotel)

Would Svetochka and I go back to Prenses Sealine Beach Hotel? Yes, but I cannot recommend you go. Unless? Well just read…

Prenses Sealine Beach Hotel – Website…

I was going to do a full review on this trip?

Yet, I realized that I could never promote such a trip as good for anyone to go. The hotel was very good and yet, that is the paradox. They were in a transitory situation and the place was at the edge of turmoil and chaos. The old employees held the place together and made the trip excellent and for that I am thankful to the old set of employees…

What was obvious:

The hotel had been bought, the hotel was in transition to a new philosophy, the hotel had new owners that had no idea about running a business that caters to customers and they were trying to take a very pleasant well located hotel and turn it into a woke party house on the beach…

Examples of what happened:

1. New employees put in as snitches…

2. Old employees being fired to make room for the new woke employees…

3. Corporate employees watching every move, through cameras everywhere, management had to call an invisible boss to get anything done and the most interesting thing…

4. The new management attempted to put a “Ukrainian Refugee Family” in charge of the Hotel. A 95% Russian client hotel…

5. They started a live band at supper, band was good, but they wanted to blast the music sound level in way too small an area and I had to be a very grouchy bear. (It was a game changing attitude situation, yet they did what was correct in the end and I refused to be abused while eating in what was suppose to be a pleasant dinning atmosphere. Got testy for a few days!)

With that said and that says a whole bunch (and there really is a bunch more), I will express that this was the best trip that Sveta and I every had to Turkey. Turkey has issues with hotels, 1 star to 5 star, makes no difference at all. Yet, with all the turmoil and the games that the old employees had to deal with and all the employees that were let go to bring in new woke employees, and no matter what, the old employees that were left took on triple duty and still did their jobs, while the new played games and reported to corporate – lies for the most part. This Hotel did a fantastic job and I could not imagine if they could have been left alone to do their job correctly in the first place…

Food fantastic, accommodations fantastic, location fantastic, Old employees fantastic and a perfect place to walk and see the beautiful Turkey beaches…

A very bad situation that should never have happened: The Ukrainian family who was being ramrodded into the position of running this hotel, went ballistic mentally and physically and escaped to their brand new EV and drove off pissed, never to be seen again. They stayed one night before the great party of acceptance and their three kids destroyed thousands of dollars worth of property and I know because I was up all night (no sleep when the children tore holes in the walls at 3 a.m.) and I watched them. Yet, the Ukraine family was very well to do and drove a vehicle worth more than our flat is worth…

Oh Boy! What a stink it was, grand party cancelled, games cancelled, owners pissed, egg on face moment priceless and the hotel owners had to backpedal and bring back old employees, just to survive. Eating Crow anyone?

I had a good laugh and was glad to see that our last week at this hotel would be very good and it was…

Prenses Sealine Beach Hotel – Website…

I can say that Svetochka and I loved it and location, location location was the key. Yet if the hotel had not been seeing terrible transition? I could only imagine how good it would have been? Will the corporate learn? Will the owners see the error of their ways?

Your miles will vary, but we liked it and yet, I cannot recommend it to anyone. For, who knows what shape it is in now? It was a good mess when we where there, yet only because the old employees help keep it together. That is the key and yes, Sveta and I will go back, if not just to see how bad the corporation and new owners are screwing the place up…

What a paradox!


We talk about why does excessiveness happen?

Hotel is called Prenses Sealine Beach Hotel…

As those whom follow this website know already (Prenses Hotel and coffee time)…

Wonderful mural at Prenses Hotel…

Prenses Sealine Beach Hotel – Website…

Let’s do pictures of Prenses and area!

More images of Hotel Prenses and area…

Last pictures of Turkey and hotel area…

I found my little angel at Prenses Hotel…

Our Hotel Prenses Food Area…