MoD of Russia Reports for December 9th, 2022…

09.12.2022 (17:00) Russian Navy Commander takes part in International Arctic Forum ‘The Northern Sea Route is a national historical heritage of Russia and must be reliably protected’, – said the Commander in his speech to the participants of the event.
09.12.2022 (15:50) Chinese Defence Minister notes need for cooperation to address global challenges Colonel General Wei Fenghe, Minister of Defense of the People’s Republic of China, spoke via video-conference at the meeting of heads of defence departments of SCO and CIS member states.
09.12.2022 (15:10) Sergei Shoigu holds bilateral meeting with Iran’s First Deputy of Chief of Staff for the Armed Forces The working session took place at the meeting of the SCO and CIS defence ministers.
09.12.2022 (14:10) Sergei Shoigu: Russia intends to continue supplying arms to Tajikistan During the talks, the sides discussed topical issues of bilateral cooperation and signed a Plan of Cooperation between the defence ministries of Russia and Tajikistan for 2023.
09.12.2022 (13:45) Russian Defense Ministry ready to expand cooperation areas with the military department of Kazakhstan This was stated by Russian Defence Minister Army General Sergey Shoigu at a working session with Kazakh Defence Minister Colonel General Ruslan Jaqsylyqov within the meeting of the SCO and CIS defence heads in Moscow.
09.12.2022 (13:10) Sergei Shoigu: Armenia is Russia’s key strategic partner in South Caucasus During the meeting, the heads of defence ministries approved a plan for defence cooperation between the two countries’ ministries for 2023.
09.12.2022 (13:00) Project 21631 latest missile corvette Naro-Fominsk floated out for the Russian Navy The warships of this type are a formidable force with the most advanced armaments on their board.
09.12.2022 (12:35) CSO and CIS defence ministers sign a Joint Communique at the end of the meeting As noted by Russian Defence Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu, the communique reflects consolidated approaches to addressing common security challenges.
09.12.2022 (11:00) Heads of CSO and CIS defence departments lay flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow The attendees observed a minute of silence in memory of the soldiers fallen in the Great Patriotic War. The event ended with a march by the Guard of Honour.
09.12.2022 (06:00) Modern medical rehabilitation methods and prostheses are used to restore the health of personnel involved in special military operation Rehabilitation programmes are tailored individually for each patient, taking into account the severity of the wounds.
09.12.2022 (03:00) Russia’s Su-35s are on round-the-clock air-alert in special military operation zone During a flight mission, the Russian fighter pilots timely detected and destroyed an AFU aircraft.
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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.