Fedora “Silverblue” and I have found my Linux!


We are proud to announce the release of Fedora Silverblue 37. Please try it and tell us what you think!


Yes, and I have been busy…

And, I will be writing about this phenomenal OS in the next few days…

I was testing the last release of Fedora Workstation 37 and fell in love with it. Literally fell in love with it. Yet, I was enticed to look at Fedora Silverblue, info at the halfway point of the main page. I installed it first within Gnome Boxes and while I loved the base Workstation Fedora 37. I jumped ship (sorta) and embraced Silverblue Fedora…

Note: Unless you are at least intermediate level in Linux do not try to play with Silverblue. It is in testing stages. You will have lots to do to make it stable right now. Workstation 37 stable is perfect for beginners and up, so stay with it. But, if you like to “hands on” your systems, Silverblue will do you proud…

Linux Distros: I have tried them all and I mean I have tried them all and did I say I have tried them all?

Silverblue? God has finally allowed me to find a Linux that I will run with until Fedora either changes path and or I become more proficient at coding than Fedora and the latter just will not happen…

If Silverblue is Fedora future? (I am onboard…)

Continued soon… (Below)

Fedora Silverblue, at least it is my future…