BRICS Development Strategy: Equal Opportunities in an Unequal World” of the XXIV Yasinsk (April) International Scientific Conference on the Development of the Economy and Society…

🎙 Welcome speech by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation S.A. Ryabkov to the participants of the plenary session “ BRICS Development Strategy: Equal Opportunities in an Unequal World” of the XXIV Yasinsk (April) International Scientific Conference on the Development of the Economy and Society

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💬 This year, the plenary session of the conference is dedicated to the BRICS interstate association, its role in shaping the world political and economic architecture. I regard this as an unequivocal recognition of the fact that the “five” has become an influential factor in modern international relations .

Against the backdrop of the ongoing degradation of global governance institutions and the entire system of world economic relations, caused, in fact, by miscalculations and the neo-colonial policy of the United States and its allies, attention to #БРИКС as a spokesman for the interests of the developing world is only growing.

☝️ BRICS is rightly perceived as one of the pillars of a more just world order , the guardian of true multilateralism based on respect for international law and the sovereign choice of one’s own path of development.

The BRICS strategic partnership offers the world creative, unifying, forward-looking initiatives aimed at finding collective answers to the most pressing issues on the international agenda, including:

👉 achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals;
👉 ensuring food and energy security;
👉 contributing to the post-pandemic recovery of the global economy;
👉 fighting climate change.

❗️ Our countries have everything necessary for this. Together we represent more than 40% of the world’s population, about 30% of the earth’s land mass, a third of the world’s GDP at purchasing power parity. That’s more than the G7 states. BRICS accounts for over a third of the world’s food supply, including more than 40% of world grain production .


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.