“Burn The Koran” Something To Think About…

I have been following the “Burn the Koran” issue in America. How Americans have decided that this is a battle ground for human rights, the Constitution and such…

I just watched this video of a bombing that happened in Southern Russia. It is a real act of terrorism and is fairly common in Russia and is fairly common all over the world for that fact…

Common except in Americas own yard that is. Just watch the video, it will make you think. No – the video is not gory and all that, so it won’t make you sick feeling. But it does have some parts that will make you think and it is short. So give it a watch…

All I am going to now say is that America and her self-centered attitude is pushing it on this one. If this “Burning of the Koran” is allowed to happen I think that a line will have been crossed that will instigate big issues for America…

So while everyone is deciding about what part of the constitution that you break by squelching this act of stupidity. I remember what I have lived by all my life, to decide, is my expression of freedom worth it…

“Freedom is fine and necessary but when you perform a so called freedom that endangers mine, yours and our lives. Then what you are preforming is an act of selfishness. For you have deluded my freedoms by your act…”

This expression of freedom could bring the devil down inside of America. Just like he is roaming Russia at times…

Windows to Russia!