When my wife (Sveta) comes home and says, “That is stupid!” First thing that I try to do is think, what did I do wrong today or yesterday or even last week… 🙂
I said, “What! What did I do?” Ready to defend what ever stupid thing I did…
Much to my elation it had nothing to do with me and I was off the hook…
So I then proceeded to be the caring partner and ask what happened. That is when I found out about how Medvedev wants to change the name of the Militia to Police…
Now I knew about this and to someone like me from America, who calls them police all the time anyway, it makes sense. I just thought, Hey that is what I call them now…
But to Sveta it makes no sense. I know that Sveta dwells very little in politics and when a political issue comes up that she takes note of, then I listen to what she has to say…
I have heard this discussion in all the stores that I visit around the home front. This is a hot topic for Russians. While they want to see reforms made in the Militia they do not necessarily feel that a change in names is part of that reform issue…
The reason was vague to me at first, but after hearing a few issues of why not to change from Militia to Police it really makes more sense…
It seems that Police is the term used for German Militia in WWII. It is the term for Western Militia and It seems also that Police is the term for higher ranking Militia in Russia and that term is not used with love…
Other words the term Police is not the best choice of words to call the cops in Russia…
OK, so I do understand what Medvedev is thinking and understand the principles around his thinking. But the reality of it is that Russians are not European and not American…
They are Russians…
Windows to Russia!
- Cup of Coffee Today Was Delicious and Other Thoughts… (windowstorussia.com)
- St. Petersburg Calling For Permanent End To Foreign Adoptions from St. Petersburg… (windowstorussia.com)
- Have You Ever Thought a Country Could Burn Up… (windowstorussia.com)
- In Russia Grain Speculators Just Plain “Suck”… (windowstorussia.com)
- Internet in our Russian Village… (windowstorussia.com)
- Bribery and Corruption in Russia… (windowstorussia.com)