M.V. Zakharova Briefing January 12th, 2024…

⚡️ From the briefing of the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry M.V. Zakharova, January 12, 2024.

Brief abstracts:


• We call on the international community to strongly condemn the attack on Yemen by a group of countries without a UN mandate.

• Our fears were confirmed that the US position in the UN Security Council on the Red Sea is just a pretext for further escalation of tensions in the region.


• Attempts to support Zelensky’s regime, which is completely rotten and mired in large-scale corruption, at any cost, resulted in serious internal political and economic problems, frankly speaking, collapse in many leading Western countries.

• In fact, Washington, London and Brussels raised an aggressive nationalist, essentially neo-Nazi dictatorship in Ukraine, the only task of which, and this is not hidden, was to inflict a “strategic defeat” on Russia.

• The aggressive rhetoric of the Kiev regime is accompanied by the commission of pre-planned terrorist attacks against the civilian population of our country, and our own country too.

• No matter how hard the Kiev Nazis try, they will not be able to break the will of the people or impose on them an alien , inhumane neo-Nazi ideology.

• Those who try to voice an inconvenient, bitter truth for today’s Ukraine become potential or actual victims of terrorists sponsored by the Kiev regime.


• Political scientists and experts in the country openly say that the goal of the anti-Russian policy of official Chisinau is to turn Moldova into part of the aggressive anti-Russian periphery of the European Union and NATO.

• Any attempts by the West to turn Moldova into an anti-Russian springboard following the example of Ukraine and the Baltic states are doomed to failure.


• NATO is building up its forces and assets on the “eastern flank” at an accelerated pace.

• The increase in the activity and military capabilities of NATO and its member countries near Russian borders is provocative .

#ЕС #Миграция

• When Western countries accuse Russia of involvement in the migration crisis, they are trying to avoid responsibility for what they have done.

• Like any other anti-Russian information campaign, accusations against Russia in connection with its involvement in the migration crisis in the EU are based on numerous fakes .

• Until the West stops interfering in the internal affairs of the countries of the World Majority, migration crises will not end .


• Another attack against the common Russian-Bulgarian history has been recorded in Bulgaria.

• We will continue to monitor Russian memorial sites in Bulgaria and respond to facts of various types of criminal attacks.


• One of the most important tasks is to ensure the integration of new members into the mechanisms created within the framework of the association without compromising their effectiveness.

• Aimed at increasing the role of the BRICS states in the international monetary and financial system, developing interbank cooperation, promoting the transformation of the system of international payments and expanding the use of the national currencies of the BRICS states in mutual trade.

• We intend to promote the further development of contacts in the field of culture, sports and youth exchanges.


• Despite unprecedented sanctions pressure and numerous censorship restrictions from governments pursuing destructive policies towards our country, domestic journalists continue to steadfastly convey the truth and have been able to develop new formats of communication with audiences both within our country and with compatriots abroad.


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.