From Russia: We Are In Ukraine and the Weather is Fantastic!

Windows to Russia!
Svet and I are in the hotel Slavutich: They have WiFi and it works really good. Three months ago when I was getting my visa to Russia, this hotel did not have WiFi and it was terrible to try to post. We are getting all we need done and hope to be able to wrap it up early here, but we are going to be here for the weekend at least.

Today Svet and I were able to get a lot of pictures of men ice fishing. We watched them as they drilled their holes and use an ice pick to enlarge the hole. More on that later when we get the pictures to go with the story.

We also have listen to the news about the gas issue. It seems that Ukraine will not let the gas go through and Ukraine tells the local news casts that Russia is trying to destroy Ukraine and put the President and Prime Minister out of office. Ukraine tells the local news that Russia will not pump gas to Ukraine and there is nothing that Ukraine can do.

The international news side is a different story and Ukraine is crying about mean Russia and then making any and all excuses to delay the gas. Ukraine says that the Prime Minister of Ukraine will talk this Sunday to Russia and see what can be worked out. Seems Ukraine has thumbed their nose at the EU and Russia. Ukraine tells Europe that the problem is a internal company problem between Gazprom and Ukraine gas companies.

The rumors of gas shortage in the country side of Ukraine seem to be a reality and all gas seems to be concentrated at Kiev. But I see conservative measures everywhere and our Hotel room is getting very little heat and is in reality very cold but Svet and I are use to cold so we just bundle up and walk allot.

The news is very sporadic about the gas issue and Ukraine skims away from Europe has no gas crime…

What I see here in Ukraine is one step from a political melt down. The President of Ukraine has basically a 0% approval rating. (2.4% by Ukraine figures) The country no longer is being run by the President. I really do not know who is running the country right now but my bets are pointing at the Gas Companies!

That is all for now and we are taking lots of pictures. Svet says hi to all the readers!

Kyle & Svet