A Government Will Attack her Own People…

I hear people try to explain how the governmental forces in the US would never attack the people of the country. The civilians would be safe for no one would attack her own people, Right? Brother will not fight brother. Son would not fight father. Mother would not kill daughter. Friends would not turn on friends…

Well, to start with, just step back a short time ago in our history and look at the Civil War between the North and the South. To make this part short; All the above happened in the American Civil War and a whole bunch more on top to boot…

My dad’s side of the family was badly split by that civil war and it never reassembled after that. many deaths involved on both sides and brothers killed brothers. I have a book that explains the Keeton involvement in the Civil War and it was not pretty…

But hey that was many years ago and during a time when we still were barbarians and such. The world has changed a bunch since then and we would never kill our own people, not in this day of civilization and us perfect people would never dream of killing our brothers…

Time to focus on Ukraine; Ukraine should hit home with many of you reading this article…

Ukraine is a country just like America and the people in Ukraine would never have dreamed that the government would send the army against her people and then they were stunned when the army killed them. Their own flesh and blood turned against them and killed them with no remorse…

That my friends is what will happen in America, for the men who will come after you and kill you if you raise up against the government of America is the same men as in Ukraine killing their families and friends…

Time to face reality and the longer we wait for the other guy to fix it all, the worse it will be when we are fed up with all that is happening…

Beside it is too late, America is a Military State and that is signed sealed and delivered…

A Government Will Attack her Own People…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…