Words are just a tossed salad and no added olive oil even. Actions will show what is actually happening and actions take time in this case and scenario…
To have an opinion about a phone call that no one else had privy to?
Shows stupidity and right now the media (alternate and or main stream and or whatnot’s) all over the world is showing serious stupidity…
Thus we wait and watch for the actions that happen. What is actually happening? Will be what it will be…
That is why I watch and wait. I have no knowledge about what really happened. Sensationalism is all over the media and Russian media jumped on the bandwagon for the excitement. So how can I say anything about what I do not know about?
Truth takes time!
PS: Official Kremlin Word on the subject: https://windowstorussia.com/information-from-russia-about-putin-trump-phone-call.html