Been Busy in the Tiny Russian Village…

kteatimeYesterday was get feed grain time for Vova’s animals. As in the past I am the designated driver. I do not drink and thus am a natural for driving around the other small villages and gathering foods for the animals. Therefore, I found myself driving all around the back roads, seeing the sights of nature and really enjoying the trip. I struggled with low blood sugar, but had a couple of pieces of candy and pushed through it all…

wastegrainWe stopped at a grain storage area and for a bottle of vodka, got a winters supply of what I call chaff, chaff in this case is is about 50% good grain and the rest trash. We gathered over a ton of it yesterday. The chickens love it and so do the rabbits. It cost nothing except a bottle of vodka and that ran 120 rubles at the local market. The only thing is that we have to be on the down low and not make a big scene and act stupid. But hey! That is my specialty (trying to not act stupid) and been doing it all my life to survive…. This is part of surviving and when we have chickens in a few years, this is what we will do…

I drive Vova and make sure that he is safe. He would go anyway, sooner or later and it is better that I do the driving, for as you know he kinda has issues with the demon vodka. He is a good friend and I want him alive not dead or in jail. We can not make him stop drinking and like many friends I have had, they have to hit bottom before they can get up (if they get up) and get better. Bothers me, but Vova will do anything for me and is a best buddy…. Alcohol is a demon… 🙁

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So yesterday, I ended up busy all day and this morning already, I have been again to the Big Village. It is snowing and looks to get very deep in the next few days. It feels like one or two feet coming and I wanted to get a few things to tide over the long snowing spell…

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Filled up the wood bin this morning and carried in twenty big split logs. The logs burn a long time and I have enough wood for a week right now, inside the home…

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Boza could see fair this morning and was running around like an idiot. I had to slow him down and be more cautious. But he was happy and that he could see a tree and it is hard to take away the occasional good days that he can see a little bit. I let him run and run. He is a happy dog and eats good. What more can we want?

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Got an extra donation for a few thousand rubles and I was able to buy something very necessary. I live in a village home with no closets and or dressers. I found for about a 1000 rubles a four drawer plastic mouse proof dresser. It is so wonderful and much needed. Thanks for the donations and this is the kind of stuff that helps make life a bunch better…

Therefore, I am ready for winter and will settle in to brave the storms coming…

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Gotta go and lots to do. Maybe take a nap, Boza had me up at 1 a.m. and had to do doggy business. That is life…


About the Author


A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.