The Tiny Russian Village is a bird haven. Birdbrains everywhere and they are all greedy and hungry. So I opened up a bird hotel, in the remote chance that I will get rich…
- Waiting for their food!
- New guest, watching the hotel!
It does not look as if rich is what I will become, for they come in droves and never pay, but they love the food, rooms and accommodations. We have an all you can eat buffet, Olympic size swimming pool (for a tiny bird) and cozy cat proof rooms. What more could a birdbrain ask for?
- New fence and bird hotel
- Maintenance man!
- Air support!
- Guard Doggy!
We also supply a guard doggy and air support to ward off bad flying things, day and night. It is very secure and a fun place, with lots of excursions and games to play. I assume that one day we will make money at this adventure, but I will not hold my breath….But we are busy….So the potential is there…
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Last night at 1 a.m. someone was trying to wake someone in a nearby village home. I am a light sleeper in most cases and last night was no different. I woke to screams and banging. Thus, I just had to go and find out what is going on. A woman had come home from checking on her home in Moscow, her husband had stayed in the Tiny Russian Village. I guess he had decided that vodka was available and needed to be drank before it spoiled. Therefore, he consumed too much vodka and was passed out on the floor of the village home. I could see him through the window with a flashlight and the lady was in a panic. I really was not sure that he was not dead, so after she told me to do it, I shouldered the door and broke it down. We went in expecting the worse and found a very drunk guy, who had no idea that life was going on around him, even at 1 a.m there is life…
I helped her get him back in bed after seeing that he was still alive and left her to chew him out, for being a bad boy! He is up this morning at 7 a.m. and fixing the door. He looks terrible and I apologized for breaking it, but we create our own issues and I will leave him to his hangover stupor, as he tries to fix the door I broke…
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Yesterday, I started to feel better, after a very hard morning and started to split firewood…
- This pile is becoming…
- This pile….See the strawboss…
I will split more today, to finish the pile I started by the front door. At the front door I have old small wood to start a fire with and then I will have fresh seasoned oak, to have a long burning fire and good heat…
That is what I am up to and Boza cracks the whip to keep me going….Boza wants good heat this winter too…
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I mean literally! Everything according to the Western Empire is Russia’s fault!
Did you know that if it is not Russia’s fault, it definitely is Putin’s fault?
Did you know that you can blame your spouse sleeping around on you, on Putin? You sewer backs up? Blame Russia! Your cat dies? Blame Russia! Your dog eats the pillow on your bed? That is correct, “Blame Russia!” You have crappy server security? Blame Russia!
If that is not good enough, Blame Putin, then Russia…
If a bee stings your ass? Then that bee has to be a Russian bee, that flew across the Atlantic Ocean and deliberately waited for the right moment to sting your ass, just to antagonize you…
That my friend is how easy it is! Why even Hillary Clinton has jumped on the bandwagon and now blames everything, including I heard rumors about Bill and his past escapades females; She blames everything on Russia, Putin and or Putin and Russia…and a little bit on Trump…
And you believe it…Or at least 85% of you, Western Empire peasants…
I guess the reason you believe that Russia and Putin did it! That is right, “Russia made you do it!”
Russia Dun-nit!
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Yes, I really do, but now I have to go split firewood and then I will poke at some dead things with a stick. I even have a lake with a beach to walk on and I love poetry, so I got it made in the shade…
This is America in a nutshell… Steve Urkle video…
“Did I do that?”
You have a nice day and tell someone, “Russia didn’t do it!”