- Victor our neighbor…
- Sun is up but not hot…
- Sisters going to the store…
- Boza watches Nikolai ride bike…
- Cool…
- Sauna (Banya) is still working…
- This is a home I just found…
- Another home I just found…
- Another one and it is lived in…
- Feeding the fish in little pond…
I found a broken down home that squatters are living in. I saw them peaking out from the old overgrown road, from their home they have moved into. They have been getting water at night from the well and today I decided to follow the trail they have left to their home, a home buried in the weeds. It is a very old man and his wife and I will keep an eye on them, for if they stay this winter, I hope they will be okay…
Today I found three new places, that I have never seen, but it helps to walk the oldest road that no one uses and we discovered several homes that did not burn down when the fire took the whole back side of the village many years ago…
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Sveta arrived safely in Moscow this morning and I already miss her, but Boza and I have tons of stuff to do. Well I should say, Boza is the straw boss and I am the laborer… 😉
It is going to get up to 25 C. today and then turn cold again. This weekend will rain and I will burn all the saplings I have cut down. The rainy days are perfect to burn everything up. I filled up my benzine potable tank and now I can finish clearing the stumps and saplings around the home. Then I will start rebuilding the back side of the village home. It is time to get ready for winter, for winter comes fast in Russia and in “Mother Russia; winter loves you long time…”
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Sveta needs to meet with her family from Great Britain. Svetlana from the GB is like a sister to Sveta and I am glad that they could come to Russia to visit the relatives. They moved to GB a long time ago and raised two daughters there. So Sveta has British relatives…
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Today I start stacking firewood and see if I need to buy a splitting maul to continue increasing the wood supply or wait till next year to get the maul. I have a bunch of wood already and I think it is sufficient for this winter…
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I rebuilt the carburetor on the Sammy the Volga and she is running like a new girl. I had bought a carb kit when I bought the new fuel pump and actually forgot about it. So a few days ago I rebuilt it and found that I need to get another kit, for it looks like our Volga has to have a carb overhaul almost every single year. That is the life of a benzine carburetor on our Volga, but that is all good, for we have propane also and that effects the carb’s life…
Time to go, Boza and I have lots to do and we need to get going. It will be warm enough today that we will have to siesta after lunch, so I am wasting the day, as I sit here and write…
Have a nice day and see you tomorrow…
Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…