Britain’s idea of help was sending a hateful nasty letter of demands…

The court sytem in the DPR found Aslin, his compatriot Shaun Pinner, and Moroccan Saaudun Brahim guilty and have sentenced them to death. The three men, were found guilty of mercenarism, terrorist offenses and also attempting to overthrow the government of the republic DPR…

Britain has sent a letter and the letter was so disgusting, that DPR and Russia cannot understand the sick mentality behind the British Government…

The letter in no way helps the three Brits, since all the letter did was confirm the western hate Russia at all cost syndrome…

All that the Russian ambassador to the UK, Andrey Kelin said was…

“The message from London was written in extremely arrogant, instructive terms. It doesn’t make us want to cooperate on these issues.”

Never forget, these three Brits were paid by Britain to kill Russians in DPR. They admit it and they are mercenaries…

Whom, have no rights in a war situation, as regular soldiers would…

They took the money and now they pay it back…