- Original piece of fence I did five years ago…
- Finally extended or I have started to extend the fence…
- That is the lot that Nikolai’s parents had a home at…
Main posts are all in the old homestead place of Nikolai. Started at around 5:30 a.m. and after that I started to rebuild the gate area…
Good picture of our home or Nikolai’s Home as we call it…
Then after doing all that. I found I had forgotten to eat anything and I was very very low blood sugar. I finally figured out what my issue was and grabbed two foot long hotdogs and two tomato wraps and ate. Yummy…
Then I set about installing security lights…
Very dark and I am amazed at how the Huawei mate 30 gathers so much light. The sky is actually black to the normal eyes. But it does effect the video and is blurry slightly…
Above is back of home…
Above is front gate…
Above is side yard and new gate area…
Yes Chinese made from AliExpress and they work fantastic. Solar powered for battery storage and motion sensor. They will wake someone up if they are playing around the home. They also make it much better for me as I go out at night to check on things….going to get another set. They are only 1300 rubles for four…
During all this, I forgot to eat again. And….low blood sugar again. Stupid me…
I stayed up to check how the lights work in the dark and after talking to me sweetpea in Moscow. I crashed and burned. But at 2:30 a.m. my blood sugar was very low again and I had to get up. I found it raining, windy and nasty out…
Going to the Big Village today…