Speech and answers to media questions by S.V. Lavrov following the results of the Antalya Diplomatic Forum (Antalya, March 2, 2024)

🎙 Speech and answers to media questions by S.V. Lavrov following the results of the Antalya Diplomatic Forum (Antalya, March 2, 2024) Main points: 🔸 The UN is not a bad organization. Its Charter contains all the principles necessary to ensure justice in international relations . Those who, until recently, had a decisive weight in

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill inspected the Sirius educational center, where the World Youth Festival is currently taking place and Video message from Russian President V.V. Putin to the participants of the opening ceremony of the World Youth Festival…

English after Video: Святейший Патриарх Кирилл осмотрел образовательный центр «Сириус», где сейчас проходит Всемирный фестиваль молодежи Его Святейшеству провели экскурсию по павильонам крупнейшей образовательной площадки страны, которая открыла свои двери для 20 тыс участников со всего мира. Всемирный фестиваль молодежи проходит с 1 по 7 марта в Сириусе по указу президента России Владимира Путина. Цель

Bundeswehr: Now panic media coverup in Germany. Russia Russia Russia Russia

Update: https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/bundeswehr-abhoerfall-100.html The German Ministry of Defense confirmed the authenticity of an audio recording of negotiations between Bundeswehr generals discussing the attack on the Crimean Bridge with Taurus missiles. This was reported by the German Channel One. *** “Russia wiretapped the Bundeswehr generals. Internal conversations about Taurus published” – RND. “Russia releases alleged recordings of

After 15+ hours of silence, the Germans officially confirm: the recording is not a fake…

After 15+ hours of silence, the Germans officially confirm: the recording is not a fake. https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/spionage-verdacht-bei-der-bundeswehr-mad-ermittelt-wegen-in-russland-geleaktem-audio-a-56519a97-a3a2-4c0c-a4f9-778fd0976996 “Die Aufnahme ist vermutlich authentisch, der Militär-Geheimdienst hat Ermittlungen eingeleitet.” The recording is probably authentic, the military secret service has initiated investigations. Oh Boy, it is getting interesting and I can tell you Russians are getting fed up with