Does the US think they have found a country they can win a war against? Yes, our neighbor to the south, Mexico!
Nah, the real war with Mexico is the death of the American empire…
Fight Canada, no, just swear by the fact that the USA is the greatest country in the world, that Canada will stand up and run to like a puppy…
Iceland Same No, they just have to hide so American Ass can freeze solid. This place compared to Alaska which is like Alaska to Miami Beach. Just like Greenland, ask about nuclear power plants. The reactors that the US military left at the US military base under the ice can see Greenland’s thoughts glowing in the dark, on the US…
The French Mongols in the north have not yet been declared terrorists. Give it some time…
Zombies are on the rise in the EU…
A new GM truck in Germany will cost you over €200k due to “customs specifications”, so people don’t buy it, can’t and won’t buy it, it’s a useless luxury… (Maybe Yugo could make a comeback?)