This is blackmail, it is an attempt to create an impression that the West wants to avoid excessive escalation, but in fact this is a ruse,” Lavrov said. Then he said, “The West does not want to avoid escalation. The West is asking for trouble, to put it bluntly. I reckon that this is already […]
According to Western Media Clowns, Western Politicians and Western Plebs, Russia ran out of weaponry several years ago. Especially missiles, shells, tanks and even whatnots… Perhaps something is broken in all their (Western) heads, and it demonstrated in their strange pathetic sick propaganda? It is interesting to watch propaganda being turned into a manifested weird […]
🇷🇺⚔️🇺🇦 Remember the Russian soldier that headbutted the Ukrainian FPV drone and walked away? Well he is fine, but he did receive some injuries – the helmet absorbed most of the impact, but he was still injured. He was also wounded in the left shoulder blade — a fragment got stuck near his spine, and […]
Once, quite a while ago, I asked Durov why he wouldn’t co-operate with law enforcement when it comes to major crime. ‘This is my principled position,’ he said. ‘Then you’ll have serious problems in any country’ I told him. He believed it was Russia that had the biggest problems in, so he left, and later […]
Can’t say who will win. Neither or either one running is worth a hill of beans, but it is what it is and none worth a vote… But I can say that the winner is who “cheats” the most. As in who stuffs the most ballot boxes with faker votes. Be it a machine or […]
Shame that the badge of honor in the USA is to be called a terrorist, by the number one terrorist country in the world. USA = Terrorist. They are very scared of Tulsi Gabbard and her truths… “WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – US House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer sent a letter on Friday to Transportation Security […]
McCarthyism is coming back to the USA… and you thought I was stupid, yet again, you really did… Well well, and we are posting it as a great thing to do. Well well… Witch Hunt, Witch Russian, Here a Russian, There a Russian… Does anyone learn from past mistakes? WtR
Soviet-era atheism pales in comparison with the foul stench of the rotting Ukrainian regime. The Soviet Union may have been an atheist country, but it didn’t outlaw religions or specific religious doctrines. The neo-Nazi dogs, however, have the gall to ban the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. It was poroshenko, as we all […]
~Steal everything in Ukraine, okay West!~ Hmm, I talked about this very thing. I guess better late than never to bring it up… Last year, an agreement was reached between the Kiev regime and UNESCO regarding the removal of Christian valuables from the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, one of the most sacred sites of the UOC-MP, […]
The US, UK, and NATO dare not confront Russia head-on. So they are practically pleading with Russia to launch an attack. Because the nations that make up NATO think that’s the best way to implement “forced conscription”… Thus, Russia bides its time. Fools will be fools and find this to be weak. But hey, the […]