Should have known, but still pushed the X99 Motherboard from the beginning…

We knew it had a bad channel of memory and it had quirks that weI could live with. It is what you get with a cheap  made from used parts motherboard and we had to live with it. I was happy (Sveta just wants it to work and I like to test everything) and had learned so much more than I ever thought I would want to learn about a server dual processor X99 board. And..that held true when it shelled out. We have now gone with a brand new X99 single CPU Motherboard…

Now that is what I am talking about, super duper…

I loved that Chinese X99 Dual Board and it was fast as a stripped ass ape and it was good to learn on. It ended up as my main machine. So what happened?

I thought a video card had gone out and was working upon that premise. That was an issue, but it was not the card that had been bad, it was the motherboard whom shorted out in the lower sector of the board. The area that had been bad from the beginning and did not allow RAM to be installed. We should have returned the board. Yet, that is what makes buying Chinese direct so hard at times. The cost to ship is horrendous and more than the item you bought…

Therefore, I plowed onward and used it as a learning experience and how to keep a project flying. It flew and flew and was a powerhouse of a board. We had everything we desired in RAM, CPU’s, cooling system and whatnot’s. So onward we went and finally, Oops…

It was on sale at 3400 Rubles and accepted everything that my dead board had on it…

Now, while it is interesting to want to switch horses at times, We had peripherals that were too hard to pass up, as in leave behind and I needed to transfer them to a new system. That was a issue that made getting a new board kinda almost too hard. I did not want a dual X99 Motherboard again. We did not want to test the gods, so to say. Thus, we grabbed a X99 brand new single CPU X99 Motherboard made in Russia. Moved everything but one CPU and one cooling fan to the new system…

(Got a new horse that we could use the same saddle and bridle upon…)

We were able to install within a new old case we had and found ourselves with a faster system. I did not think that possible, yet it is and well it is simply faster. This board only has one bottleneck and that is in trying to use real USB 3 at the front of the board connected to the JUSB (? Jack-USB) connection and it is actually a USB 3 connection (?), except it is slow as molasses…

Yet it works and is usable. Except I have USB 2 hub coming and I suspect it will run circles around this USB 3 setup. While the connection works and fits what is needed, it just seems to be a cheap way to give fake USB 3 front connections…

So USB 3? We have four at the rear and they work fantastic. Very fast…

How could it be wrong? (Well except money lost on original purchase after a few years.)

Old DEPO computer case, new motherboard, same RAM, Same CPU, Same cooling, Same power supply. same video card and same everything, just minus a CPU and one cooling fan. We now have backup for our CPU and cooling when it decides to do like so many things in our lives do, sell out when we need it most…


About the Author


A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.